St. George Unofficial Bank Holiday

Friday, July 28, 2006

Shumpys Joke

There was an old couple driving to Florida. The wife was hard of hearing.  In Georgia they were stopped by a state trooper.

The state trooper went to the man and asked to see his license.
The wife shouted to her husband, WHAT DID HE SAY?
The husband shouted back, HE WANTS TO SEE MY LICENSE.
The wife shouted back, OK
The trooper than asked the man where they were going?
The husband said Florida.
Then the wife shouted, WHAT DID HE SAY?
The husband shouted back, HE WANTS TO KNOW WHERE WE ARE GOING.
The wife shouted back, OK
The trooper taking this all in looked back at the license and said, "I see you're from Brooklyn.  I went to Brooklyn once.  I had the worst sex in my life there."
Then the wife shouted WHAT DID HE SAY?
The husband shouted HE THINKS HE KNOWS YOU !!!!!!
Leave fur where it belongs